About Us
Fragments Theatre is a theatre and cultural center connects artists with each other, with the local community, with other art scenes in Palestine, and with the rest of the world. Through media, theatre, and visual art, we ensure that local voices are heard.
Fragments Theatre strives to provide a safe space for children, women, and youths, to exchange, interact and express themselves through artistic and cultural creations. Through our activities, we encourage the development of artistic skills among children, youths, and women and assist these populations in becoming creative entrepreneurs. Beyond giving hope, Fragments Theater helps vulnerable populations in managing their stress and traumas through the arts.
We work with different forms of artistic expression
- Cinema
- Theatre
- Visual arts
- Plastic art
Space for the community
Our mission
Fragments Theatre strives to provide a safe space for children, youth and women to
exchange, interact and express themselves through artistic and cultural creation
We operate in a challenging context
 A political climate conducive to fear, stress and anxiety amongst our children and
youth and within our community
 An economic context with limited prospects for development
 A social context with limited opportunities for self-development and innovation
We aim to
 Develop artistic skills amongst children, youth and women and increase their chance
of building a career in the sector
 Support marginalized artists in Jenin and its vicinity in promoting their art and in
furthering their careers as professionals
 Promote the arts as a means of exchanging and managing behaviors, reducing
stress and anxiety, and increasing self-esteem
 Promote the arts as a tool for development and a vehicle for change within the